In this page I you will see mainly my student agreeement :)
I am a Fab Academy student, responsible for:
Signed by committing this file in my repositor
My first idea was, hmm, familiar and intuitive everyday tool. First I thought to do boombox, portable audio unit. I have got a lot of experiences about Volumio distro on Raspberry Pi computers. I did plan to design unit around that, but then I noticed that readymade boards are not accepted or recommended.
My second idea was related to internet-of-things sensors being installed everywhere at our uni. I did plan to design mobile "interface" for reading sensordata and watching trends from certain plate at the university of botanical garden. Well, I wasn't very happy with that either.
My third idea was exciting enough to get motivated. I had a meeting with one local entreneur about using AI in affordable robotics and coding. They also participated in our local hack weekend in FabLab where they did built first prototype of the gadget. Our meeting was about possible project and research collaboration, but I realized that this will be also my final project
In my project I will develop a more affordable car robot based on the ESP32 microprocessor including its own circuit board, 3D models for 3D printing, sensors and actuators.
The ESP32 circuit also allows very low-power applications, allowing students to make Internet of Things (IoT, for example, a remote-read thermometer). The school tablet or student's mobile phone is connected to the ESP32 via BT or Wifi.
I will program Alvin Artificial Intelligence to respond to measurements sent by a robot or IoT device. For example, Alvin can say or display something and control the robot based on my programming.